Friday, July 18, 2008

Day Eight

Today was good. We talked about web design using a free editor (which I will definitely use). I also got to offer the expertise I've built up (though modestly) over the past 14 years of my own website. I remember in the old days (1995), there was no way to indent on a webpage. No Indent! So we all learned how to add single pixel photos to the left of text which would make it look like an indent even though it was a clear pixel photo seven pixels wide. These kids today. They don't know what we used to go through.

Wiley showed us some of the simple instructional videos that he's done. Unfortunately, it was more on what he's done and less on what we might do on our own. He owns some pretty expensive software that I don't. I'm all for learning software from books (in fact that's the best way coupled with hands-on), but the purchase of both Flash and Illustrator is beyond my reach right now. We also didn't need to have Wiley prove his bona fides. We could see from his work product that he knew what he was doing. He was personable and available for questions and his stuff really is deceptively simple to view. Good as a demonstration, not so much as a learning opportunity.

It was a good day.

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