Friday, July 18, 2008

Day Nine

Today was an independent work day mostly.

Tom Sayer was in the Social Studies room discussing the pitfalls and benefits of our projects. He was completely sympathetic to the problems of real-world teaching and lab use and software and all of those tech classes. He was a stud. When I got back from lunch, he was still here. He must have spent his whole day helping people. He's a bit too techy for social studies, but he talked about the same pitfalls that we all face. Sometimes I feel like the speakers or the session leaders assume that we all have access to everything we see on the screens. Which we all know isn't the case.

I am almost done with my video script. When it comes to writing. Especially something that's supposed to be creative and funny, I sweat and sweat and sweat and then eventually something shoots forth from my noggin. Which is what I'm hoping happens this time as well.

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