Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day Two

The sessions included "systematic change" re using tech in a school that might not be ready for it. Also, a history of tech advances and how they were accepted or rejected in their time.

My review of this session: This was a 15 minute talk stretched into 90 minutes. We know if we're early adopters. We know that we may come up against resistance to our new tech ideas when we get back to our schools in the fall.

The other one was the start of the copyright project whereby we make a podcast about copyright law. This was informative and actually relates to our classrooms. We all use films that we might not be exactly "legal" for us to use. So getting a definite ruling on the law (or at least as much as it's been ruled upon) was a great and useful thing for us to do. We actually ran out of time while we were brainstorming podcast ideas. I liked this one much better.

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