Friday, July 18, 2008

Video Soapbox Descripton

Although, I'm a bit behind (I'm one of those people who works a bit better when up against a deadline), I've decided to do a video for new teachers which discusses the difference between what you're friends think you do as a teacher and what you actually do. How much time they think you spend vs. how much time you'll actually spend.

Friends: you get summers off and only work seven hours a day.
Reality: available via e-mail,text,cellphone, and in classroom 18 hours a day

Just one example.

If new teachers entered the profession thinking that they'll work the contractually specified hours of 7:45 to 3:11 (at my school) they'll be in for a surprise. And teachers that are available only during those hours simply in my mind CANNOT be good teachers. That is my soapbox.

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